davessportshop-Sport shop Minneapolis

Hockey Equipment Leasing Program

Program Benefits:

Welcome to Daveā€™s Sport Shop, where we’re thrilled to introduce our exclusive Hockey Equipment Leasing Program! This program is crafted for hockey enthusiasts who seek the thrill of the game without the commitment of an outright purchase. Experience the advantages of leasing high-quality hockey equipment on a yearly basis.

Variety of Hockey Gear:

Explore a comprehensive selection of top-tier hockey equipment, including skates, sticks, helmets, pads, and more. Choose from leading brands to ensure you have the latest and best-performing gear.

Annual Leasing Options:

Enjoy the flexibility of our annual leasing plans, allowing you to play the sport you love without a long-term commitment. Upgrade your equipment each year to match your evolving needs and preferences.

Affordable Leasing Options:

Leasing hockey equipment from us is cost-effective. Instead of a substantial upfront cost, you’ll pay significantly less, making premium hockey gear accessible to players of all levels.

Quality Assurance:

Our commitment to your safety is paramount. All leased hockey equipment undergoes regular inspections, maintenance, and sanitization to ensure it meets the highest standards of quality and hygiene.

No Hassle with Growth Spurts:

For young players experiencing growth spurts, leasing is a practical choice. Easily exchange equipment for a size up without the financial burden of continuously purchasing new gear.

Latest Technological Advancements:

Embrace the cutting-edge technology in hockey equipment without the worry of outdated gear. Leasing allows you to stay at the forefront of innovations, enhancing your performance on the ice.

Why Leasing is Better Than Buying:

Financial Flexibility:

Leasing eliminates the need for a substantial upfront investment. Enjoy the benefits of high-quality hockey equipment without straining your budget.

Always Up-to-Date:

Hockey gear evolves, and so does our leasing program. Leasing ensures you always have access to the latest advancements and improvements in equipment technology.

Adapt to Changing Needs:

As your skills develop or your playing style changes, easily upgrade your equipment to suit your evolving needs without being tied down to a long-term commitment.

Perfect for Growing Players:

For young athletes experiencing rapid growth, leasing provides a cost-effective solution. Swap out equipment sizes hassle-free to accommodate those growth spurts.

Reduced Maintenance Concerns:

Leasing includes routine maintenance, reducing the stress associated with equipment upkeep. Our team ensures your gear is in top condition, letting you focus on the game.

davessportshop-Sport shop Minneapolis-St. Paul Hockey Equipment Leasing Program

Join Daveā€™s Sports Store in revolutionizing your hockey experience with our Hockey Equipment Leasing Program. Leasing is not just a choice; it’s a commitment to a flexible, affordable, and continuously updated sporting journey. Lease today, skate your way to success!

Don't be a stranger!

Let's get in touch!

Got a question about our gear, need help finding the perfect fit, or just want to chat sports? We’re here to help! Shoot us a message using the form, give us a call, or swing by the shop. We’re passionate about all things active and love connecting with our community. So don’t be shy, reach out and let’s get your active journey started!

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